Lavender Lotion

Pure Lavender Lotion

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There are a number of reasons one may need a skin lotion. However, it is hard to find lotions that are effective and smell good. Lavender is one of the nicest scents known to mankind, and having lotion that you can rub on your body that smells as good as lavender will make you love wearing lotion!

Lotion haters will love knowing that lavender lotion is easy to find and is the best kind of lotion available as it is made with pure ingredients and smells amazing. In this article, we will explain exactly what pure lavender lotion is made of, and what it can be used for. We have also prepared our list of the top pure lavender lotions on the market to help you buy with confidence!

What Is Pure Lavender Lotion?

Pure lavender lotion is similar to your usual skin lotions, however, it is made with lavender, as you can imagine. Many people requiring lotion opt for lavender-scented lotion thanks to the benefits that come with it. Lavender scent is known for helping calm and relax people, as well as helping them sleep, thus, many people wear lavender lotion when sleeping as it helps them sleep better. This is, of course, not the only reason people use lavender lotion.




What Is Pure Lavender Lotion Used For?

The ways lavender lotion can be used are endless. Most commonly, lotions will be applied to the skin when it is dry or cracked. However, skin lotion is also commonly used to heal rough, scaly and itchy skin.

People with eczema can also benefit from applying skin lotion to their skin to help moisturize the skin, and stop eczema from getting worse. Afterall, dry skin will not only be irritating, but also make eczema worse. Find out more about using skin lotions and moisturizers for eczema here.

Lotions in general are used to create a wall that will keep water in your skin, keeping it feeling hydrated, all while keeping harmful things out of your skin, thus, creating softer, smoother skin.

Top 3 Pure Lavender Lotion

Now that you know why lavender lotion is so popular, we will help you buy the best pure lavender lotion for your needs. We have picked out our favourite 3 pure lavender lotions. Here they are!

Nature’s Beauty Lavender Chamomile Sleep Body Lotion

If you are someone that struggles to sleep at night, you should certainly consider applying lavender lotion before bed. As mentioned previously, the scent of lavender helps many people feel more relaxed, and get a better night sleep, thus, feeling more refreshed in the morning.

Nature’s Beauty Lavender Chamomile Sleep Body Lotion is made specifically to help you sleep at night! Beyond that, this lavender lotion is perfect for post-bath pampering and moisturizing dry skin. Here are the reasons we love this product:

Click here to check the price on Amazon.


Tree to Tub Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry Skin

With countless 5-star reviews on Amazon, we had no choice but to include the Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry Skin by Tree to Tub on our list.

This pure lavender lotion helps your skin feel soft and hydrated, to keep it healthy. As one could expect, this lotion is also made with all organic ingredients, thus, free of harmful chemicals. Beyond the amazing lavender scent that this body lotion has to offer, we love these things about it:


Click here to check the price on Amazon.




Avalon Organics Natural Hand & Body Lotion

We were quite impressed to see that the Avalon Organics Natural Hand & Body Lotion comes in a 32 oz. bottle, meaning you won’t need to refill for quite a while! The Avalon Organics Natural Hand & Body Lotion has been nominated as Amazon’s Choice for lavender body lotion. It also has thousands of amazing reviews on Amazon, allowing you to buy with confidence.

This lavender body lotion is perfect for the buyer looking to apply skin lotion and keep their skin hydrated for a long time without the need to reapply lotion. Avalon Organics Natural Hand & Body Lotion is long-lasting and will keep your skin hydrated for a prolonged period of time, allowing you to keep your skin healthy while on the go.

Here at, we always give priority to products that are vegan and cruelty free. For this reason, we love the Avalon Organics Natural Hand & Body Lotion as it is never tested on animals, and is 100% cruelty free. Here are a few other reasons you should consider this lavender lotion:


Click here to check the price on Amazon.



There are so many reasons to start using lavender skin lotion, including getting better sleep, moisturizing your skin, or even just the scent alone! No matter your reason for wanting pure lavender lotion, knowing which kind to buy is important. We hope this article has helped you choose the right lotion for you!