Lavender Lotion for Mosquitoes
Are you a person who’s always bitten by mosquitoes? And no matter what kind of mosquitoes repellent you use, it just doesn’t work? Or are you a parent looking for a natural remedy to prevent your kids from being the meal of mosquitoes? If so, putting on some lavender lotion might save you and your family from the day.
It was found that, linalool, a chemical in lavender, not only contributes to the distinct smell, but also possesses mosquitoes repelling effect which is widely used in many conventional mosquitocides. It has the same effect as diethyltoluamide, also known as DEET in which mosquitoes strongly dislike. That is the reason why putting on some lavender lotions would be an effective yet natural way of maintaining bite-free.
Why do mosquitoes bite you over others?
There are a couple of factors which make your blood more delicious than others. The blood type, the carbon dioxide emission, the body temperature, the skin bacteria and the clothes you wear are some of the determinants.
Scientists discovered that people with blood Type O are more attractive to mosquitoes due to the secretions they made.
People with a higher carbon dioxide emission or body temperature also have a higher bite risk as CO2 and body heat are important cues for mosquitoes to locate their food source. This explains why kids got a higher chance of being bitten as their metabolic rate is higher which results in higher CO2 emission.
People with a higher percentage of certain skin bacterias are also found to be more attractive to mosquitoes. Next time, try to hug a mosquito-free buddy, their skin bacteria may stick to you and make you less appealing.
Apart from being smell and thermal sensitive, mosquitoes are also highly visual. They could easily spot you if you are in dark clothes. So, wear light-colored and long sleeves clothes before going near the bushes and in case you already got bitten before reading this article, click here to check out this mosquito bite relief device.
Chemical-based VS Plant-based
DEET is a golden ingredient in making conventional mosquitoes repellent as it is highly effective in deterring mosquitoes from getting close to the skin. However, if it is not used properly, it could cause serious side effects such as skin allergies, irritations, and seizures.
Therefore, health professionals advise children, elderlies, and people with a weak immune system or chemical sensitivities to be extremely cautious when using chemical-based mosquitoes repellent. In addition, according to The US Environmental Protection Agency, although DEET only causes a minimal effect on the environment, it is slightly toxic to birds and fish.
On the other hand, plant-based mosquitoes repellents are made from natural actives from plant extracts which cause less detrimental effects to your body as well as to the environment. Lavender, Citronella and Lemon Eucalyptus are some commonly used plants. Lavender, in particular, was used in the form of oil to prevent the manifestation of bugs for centuries. It was also used to alleviate inflammation and itchiness.
Even though it has proven that chemical-based repellents work better in mosquitoes protection, considering the safety and environmental issues it might bring, why not choosing a safer alternative?
Here is our top pick of Lavender spray for mosquitos on Amazon, here’s our choice of lotion, and here’s the third best choice, sachets! For you to rub on your skin the way our ancestors did before going on a hunt.
No matter which type of repellent you choose, be sure to consult a health care professional before using it as different people have different health conditions.
When to apply lavender lotion for mosquitoes?
There is no specific time limitation when applying lavender lotion. Whether you just finished a bath or before a good night sleep or in the midst of meditation or before leaving your home, you could apply it anytime, anywhere.
But for a better effect, it is suggested to apply lavender lotion before any outdoor activities as the repelling effect gradually diminishes as time goes by. You could also apply some right after you got bitten as it could relieve the inflammation and itchiness.
Other effects of lavender lotion
Even though we mainly focus on mosquitoes repelling in this post, actually lavender lotion could also be used to fight off bugs, fleas and other insects as well.

In fact, lavender lotion has more effects than that. It possesses medicinal properties which could reduce problems of insomnia, anxiety and depression with their pleasant smell. Simply by inhaling lavender, it gives you a relaxing feeling and reduces your stress. Not only does it work on adults, but it works equally well on babies too. So no more crying during the nights for new moms and dads as your cute little loved ones are having their rest.
How lavender lotion was made?
When creating a lavender lotion, there are a lot of ways to do it.
Below is a simple recipe of making your own lavender lotion taken from Homemade for Elle.
- 1/2 cup shea butter
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 30 drops essential oil lavender
- In a quart-sized mason jar, add shea butter and coconut oil. Bring 2″ of water to boil in a small pot. Place mason jar into the water, and simmer until oils have melted together. Remove from heat, and allow to cool.
- Add in olive oil and essential oils, and stir. Allow to sit until almost solid (you can expedite this by placing it in the freezer, just keep an eye on it). Transfer mixture to a medium-sized bowl, and then use an electric mixer to whip the mixture until light and the texture of lotion. *This can take up to 10 minutes, so be prepared.
- If the mixture isn’t whipping together well, it may not be solid enough.
- Pour mixture back into the mason jar, and store at room temperature for up to 6 months.
Where to buy lavender lotion?
There are different kinds of lavender lotions in the market. Click here for the Top 10 Lavender lotion brands, you could either buy them online or in-store. If you are the one who loves DIY, you could also make your own lavender lotion for mosquitoes. And if you would like to support this blog, click here to buy our top pick of lavender lotion on Amazon using our affiliate link.
Written by
Perry, an amateur writer and a nutritionist. Feel free to connect through LinkedIn
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